
The Art of Sensual Muscle Control: Core Strength in Intimacy

The Art of Sensual Muscle Control: Core Strengt...

The Importance and Effects of Core Muscles in Sexual Intimacy 1. Pelvic Floor Muscles Significance: The pelvic floor muscles support pelvic organs and are closely tied to sexual pleasure, orgasm...

The Art of Sensual Muscle Control: Core Strengt...

The Importance and Effects of Core Muscles in Sexual Intimacy 1. Pelvic Floor Muscles Significance: The pelvic floor muscles support pelvic organs and are closely tied to sexual pleasure, orgasm...

Mindfulness Series: Multiple Orgasms, Part 11 – Multi-Point Stimulation

Mindfulness Series: Multiple Orgasms, Part 11 –...

Techniques for Achieving Multiple Orgasms through Multi-Point Stimulation, Delayed Orgasm, and Fantasy Important Reminder: Before you dive into this advanced technique, it is highly recommended that you complete Courses 1-10...

Mindfulness Series: Multiple Orgasms, Part 11 –...

Techniques for Achieving Multiple Orgasms through Multi-Point Stimulation, Delayed Orgasm, and Fantasy Important Reminder: Before you dive into this advanced technique, it is highly recommended that you complete Courses 1-10...